Join Jason Morgan, Correlated Magnetics Research’s Vice President of Engineering, for this engineer-to-engineer webinar and learn how the company’s new smart magnets can deliver precision alignment in your product design.

An ordinary magnet’s alignment capability is poor, but Polymagnets® give product designers new flexibility in designs and deliver precision alignment every time.  Whether it’s centering, rotational alignment or lateral alignment, Jason will show you how to use these state-of-the-art magnets to achieve a truly unique feel.

Jason will highlight Polymagnets’ precision alignment capabilities in a case study focused on the new product line of Polymagnets for tablets, which include Polymagnets for designing peripherals for the Apple iPad.

CMR applies its patented Polymagnet technology to rare-earth magnets to manipulate their magnetic energy.  The result: smart magnets with perfect feel and function.

Who Should Attend: Product designers, industrial designers, mechanical engineers, and anyone interested in Polymagnets for product design.

Click here to download webinar slides